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DC Tennis League

How does a TennisDC Doubles Season / League run?

Upcoming Doubles Schedule

Spring Mixed and Men's Doubles Season - Just started to June 16th - $39.95 for Team Enrollment, $24.95 for teammate pairing
Summer Doubles Season - June 18th to Aug. 18th
Fall Doubles Season - Aug. 27th to Oct. 27th

We try to run Mixed Doubles Divisions and Non-Mixed Doubles divisions for every season that we kick off. When we don't alway succeed we kick off one large doubles division instead.

We are bringing back Doubles Teammate matching

After taking a year off from connecting players with a Doubles Teammate, we're going to get back to doing it. All teammate matching is done ON KICKOFF DAY so we can have the highest chance of making strong teammate connections. This service will cost $24.95. Note that the league does not initiate COVID precaution rules but as always expects players to be respectful of each other and not play if COVID compromised.

Kickoff Day

The start day of the season, all the teams are sent a kickoff email that contains important information about the league, the link where your league standings and other team contact information is. We guarantee 6 teams at your around your teams level, but have been averaging closer to 10+ teams in most cities. The number of different levels we run is solely based upon the number of teams enrolled for the league kickoff. Typically we are trying to run a Lev A Doubles 3.5-4.0+, Lev B Doubles 2.5-3.5, Lev A Mixed Doubles 3.5-4.0+, Lev B Mixed Doubles 2.5-3.5: in most cities.

Your Task - Flexible Scheduling

After this kickoff email is sent, it is the captain's task to communicate with other captains. Captains should work with their partners and the other captains to find an agreeable time and location to play the match. While TennisDC doesn't mandate your playing schedule, it is recommended that teams schedule at least one match per week. We allow teams to play 1 rematch per season. The regular season is all about playing as much as you can.

As a newly transplanted DC person, TennisDC has literally been a game changer. I've met so many great people and a wide variety of players. I've gotten to know the city better by finding the new court
3.5m morris.morris

D. Morris TennisDC

Member Since

Where to Play?

Play at your local free tennis courts, tennis parks, condo courts or tennis clubs. The league strongly suggests that players jointly try to pick a tennis court location convenient to both. We provide an extensive list of tennis courts, including # of courts, lighting, hitting walls, etc. We strive to keep this list up-to-date.

TennisDC sets up a must play dates to push players out on the courts. The final deadline is the date marking the end of the season, at which point players with 3-4 (Actually total is specified on the division page) wins will qualify for a post-season playoff to determine the league champion.


Full price is $34.95 for team enrollment or $24.95 for the doubles partner matching to play in a season. Just go to the Join Page and complete the short form. We'd be happy to find you dedicated tennis playing partners.


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